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05 April 2015

Typical Spanish Torrijas

It's Easter and in Spain we have this traditional Easter food we call torrijas. It's usually my mom who does them in my house, but since I am in Belgium this year, I had to make them myself for the first time. And, not to sound conceited, but the result was pretty good!

If you want to try to make them yourself, they are very easy to make and they are delicious! However, there is not a exact recipe for this, you add the quantity you consider necessary. Therefore, all the quantities in this recipe are approximate. I recommend you begin by adding the amounts mentioned in this recipe, and if you need more, you can always add it later.


  • One baguette
  • Milk (3/4 Cup aprox)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Sugar
  • Eggs (2 aprox.)
  • Cinnamon powder 
  • Oil (to fry them)


  1. Slice the baguette making diagonal cuts.
  2. In a microwavable container, pour about 3/4 cup milk and add a cinnamon stick and two teaspoons of sugar. Heat it for about 1 minute.
  3. In another bowl, whisk two eggs.
  4. Heat the oil in a pad.
  5. In a plate, add some sugar and cinnamon.
  6. Now that you have all the ingredients ready you can begin to make your torrijas
  7. Soak a slice of bread in the milk.
  8. Soak the same slice in the eggs.
  9. Try the bread.
  10. Cover the fried bread with the sugar and cinnamon.
  11. Repeat for each slice of bread.

I hope you like this recipe. Please let me know if you try it!

Question of the Day

Had you ever heard of this dessert? Do you have any typical Easter food in your country?

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  1. This looks so yummy! I love cinnamon so much I will have to try this tradition :)
    Thank you for sending me your link you have such a lovely blog.

    Collette xx

  2. My mouth is literally watering right now! I will definitely try this recipe out, thanks!

    EricaRosa Blog

  3. They look so good! I've never had torrijas before, maybe I will have to try xx

    Brooke | brookewrote

  4. I've never heard of this dessert before but looking at the pictures and the list of ingredients, it sounds incredible! I will definitely need to try baking this at some point soon, I have a serious addiction for anything cinnamon! :)
    Nicole xx / Life in Ginger


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