Exam season is about to start... again and with it come the long days at the library. Last year I became an expert on this, so I thought I should share some of the things I learnt.
I don't know if it's just me, but when there's something making me feel uncomfortable, I can't focus on my studying. So you need to be prepared for anything that goes wrong!
- Rest. Ok, there is no point on spending 10 hours in the library if you didn't sleep well the night before. Trust me, it's better to go back home, sleep for one or two hours, and come back. Maybe you feel like you're losing some time, but you will be able to make the most of the rest!
- Eat well. Don't go to the library without having breakfast, or a proper lunch. Maybe it's just me, but when I'm hungry I can't concentrate on studying. I can only think of how much I want to eat, or what I would eat. Besides, your brain needs to get energy from food!
- Water. Ok, these are very basic stuff so far: eat, drink, sleep. But they're very important! Take a bottle of water with you so that you can drink when you're feeling thirsty.
- Hair out of the way. I hate when I'm trying to study and my hair is in my way. I recommend you keep a hair tie in your wrist so you can tie your hair back. And maybe it will also keep you from constantly playing with it if you share that bad habit with me!
- Coffee and snacks. Sometimes, days at the library get veeeeeery long. Especially the afternoons. I used to always take a coffee in my bag with me and leave it in the locker. When I was starting to run out of energy, I would go drink it so I could go back to studying at my full potential!
- Breaks. It is very important to take breaks. It is recommended to take a 10-minute break per every 50 minutes you spend studying. But I reckon I don't do that myself (who has that much free time?). But it's good to take one break in the middle of the morning (if it's a long morning) and the middle of the afternoon. I also made lunch and dinner time my main break times. I would go back home to eat, watch a TV comedy show and disconnect from that awful world of exams.
- Put your phone away. This is the hardest one for me. I try and try and try to stop using my phone all the time, but it's so hard! But seriously, put it away. Maybe leave it in the locker or give it to a friend. If you're taking it with you, mute it and place it with the screen facing down. That way, notifications won't distract you. Out of sight, out of mind.
question of the day
Do you like to study at the library? Do you have any tips on how to make the most of your time there?
La temporada de exámenes está ya aquí... otra vez, y con ella llegan los largos días de biblioteca. El año pasado me volví una especie de experta en esto, así que voy a compartir con vosotros algunas de las cosas que aprendí.

No sé si seré solo yo, pero cuando hay algo con lo que no estoy cómoda, no puedo centrarme y estudiar. ¡Así que tengo que prepararme para todo lo que pueda torcerse!

No sé si seré solo yo, pero cuando hay algo con lo que no estoy cómoda, no puedo centrarme y estudiar. ¡Así que tengo que prepararme para todo lo que pueda torcerse!
- Descansa. Pasarse 10 horas en la biblioteca no tiene ningún sentido si no has dormido la noche anterior. Creeme, es mejor volver a casa, dormir un par de horas, y volver. Puede que parezca que pierdes ese tiempo, ¡pero aprovecharás el resto de horas al máximo!
- Come bien. No vayas a la biblioteca sin desayunar, o sin comer decentemente. No sé vosotros, pero yo cuando tengo hambre no consigo concentrarme en estudiar. Solo pienso en las ganas que tengo de comer, y todas las cositas que me gustaría comer cuando termine. ¡Además, tu cerebro necesita comida para tener energía!
- Agua. Vale, estas son las cosas básicas: come, bebe, duerme. ¡Pero es que son importantes! Lleva una botella de agua contigo para poder beber cuando tengas sed.
- Recógete el pelo. No me gusta nada cuando intento estudiar y el pelo me estorba por todas partes. Yo te recomiendo que siempre lleves un coletero en la muñeca, y te recojas el pelo para estudiar. Y a lo mejor así hasta consigues dejar de pasar el día entero jugando con él como hago yo...
- Café y snacks. A veces los días de biblioteca son eteeeeeeernos. Sobre todo las tardes. Lo que yo hacía era siempre llevar un café en el bolso y dejarlo en la taquilla. Y cuando ya empezaba a estar cansada, bajaba y me lo tomaba para poder estudiar al máximo de energía.
- Descansos. Es super importante tomar descansos. Se recomienda descansar al menos 10 minutos por cada 50 de estudio. Aunque reconozco que ni yo hago eso (¿quién tiene tanto tiempo libre?), pero sí que me gusta tomarme un descanso en mitad de la tarde/mañana. También descanso a la hora de la comida y la cena viendo alguna serie de TV de comedia para desconectar del horrible mundo de los exámenes.
- Deja el móvil. Esta es la más difícil para mi. Intento e intento a intento dejar de usar el m´vil, ¡pero me cuesta un monón! Déjalo en una taquilla, o dáselo a un amigo. Si lo llevas contigo, siléncialo y colócalo con la pantalla boca abajo. Así no te distraerán las notificaciones. Ojos que no ven... ojos que no se distraen estudiando...
pregunta del día
¿Te gusta estudiar en la biblioteca? ¿Tienes algún consejo para aprovechar mejor el tiempo?
I couldn't agree with these points more. I find I am far more productive when I really focus for a few hours at a time, it's so pointless working flat out and draining yourself for hours and hours on end! I'd love it if you'd comment back http://www.amyelizabethfashion.com/blogposts/2016/5/5/elemis-biotec-skin-energising-day-cream xx
ReplyDeleteI'm the same with ignoring my phone when I'm studying! Some days I literally have to leave it at home because if I know it's around I'll keep looking at it. I'm also a hair fiddler, particularly when I'm stressed so I constantly have to tie my hair up when I'm studying. Great post!
ReplyDeleteThe Traffic Jam of Life
When I'm in the library I always give my phone to one of my friends, otherwise I get no work done! haha x
ReplyDeleteAriadna || RAWR BOWS
These are on point, Be! I also like to put my hair away from my face and I always take water with me. And taking breaks is essential, that way you won't loose your motivation and your brain will have a bit of a rest :) x
ReplyDelete-Leta | The Nerdy Me
OMG these tips are SO good and I dont even study anymore. I wish Id have taken some of this advice when I was though haha! :) xx
ReplyDeleteHaha, the PHONE. I definitely need to leave it at home if I'm trying to get ANY work done! I don't even like having it near me when I blog/write because it disrupts that creative flow.
ReplyDelete--Clarissa @ The View From Here
I actually rely on my phone/tablet when I'm studying, as I have a lot of my lecture notes online, and /have/ to listen to music when I'm studying otherwise I get distracted by the people around me! The library I go to has a cafe at the lower level, so you can drink coffee and eat cake while studying, which is so good for motivation.
ReplyDeleteSara | Herelectricocean.blogspot.co.uk
Oh yes... this period is so hard! But these tips are really good :) they are simple but effective! Good luck to all of you !! xx