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29 May 2016

Central Perks

Before any of you tell me it's Central Perk, with no s, let me tell you I'm actually writing about Central Perks, a cafe in Toledo (Spain) that recreates Friends cafe Central Perk. I don't think anyone will be surprised if I say I love the show Friends. In fact, I think it's the best TV show ever made. So when I found out there was a cafe like this in Spain, I knew I had to go! And I finally did!

I could not hide my excitement to be here, even though everyone was looking at me as if I was some kind of weirdo for taking photos of everything.

The inside is the coziest cafe I have ever been to, with sofas and armchairs, music playing and... my favorite part... episodes of Friends!

Now I know the next photo is really dark but can you see the neon on the sides? I have actually seen those in the show!

The distribution is not the same than in the cafe in the show, but I'm guessing this is where they would sit. What do you think?

The ice-cream bowls were named after couples of the show... I'm not sure how Ross would feel about that 

Joey and Phoebe though?

We ordered some oreo milkshakes and a rainbow cake and OMG look at those!

They also have a nice little terrace. And look at those tables!

And I obviously could not leave without taking a selfie there first!

But only with half of my face, because that's the only way I ever look good in photos...

Question of the Day

Are you a fan of friends too?

Antes de que nadie me diga que es Central Perk (sin s al final), no, este post es sobre Central Perks, una cafetería en Toledo (España) que recrea la cafetería de Central Perk de la serie Friends. No creo que nadie se sorprenda si os digo que me encanta Friends. De hecho, me parece la mejor serie que se haya hecho jamás. Así que cuando me enteré de que había un sitio así en España, ¡tenía que ir! ¡Y por fin fui!

Estaba super emocionada de estar allí, aunque todo el mundo me mirase como una loca por hacerle fotos a todo.

Por dentro, es la cafetería más acogedora donde haya estado nunca, con los sofás y sillones, la música y, mi parte favorita... ¡capítulos de Friends!

Vale, sé que la siguiente foto está muy oscura, pero ¿veis las luces de las pareces de los lados? ¡Esas luces salen en la serie!

La distribución no era exactamente igual que en la serie, pero yo creo que este sofá sería donde se sientan ellos. ¿Qué creeis vosotros?

Y las copas de helado llevan nombres de parejas de la serie. Aunque no sé qué pensaría Ross al respecto 

¿Joey y Phoebe?

Yo fui con una amiga y nos pedimos unos batidos de oreo y una tarta de arcoiris.

¡Mirad qué batidos!

También tienen una terracita y.... ¡las mesas!

Y, por supuesto, no podía irme sin hacerme una selfie antes.

Aunque solo de media cara, que es la única forma de la que salgo bien en las fotos...

Pregunta del día

¿Sois fans de Friends como yo?

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  1. Omg that's so awesome!! That rainbow cakes looks so delicious!

    Renee | Lose The Road

  2. oh my goodness this cafe looks beautiful! I think I could easily spend a whole day in there with my laptop and a supply of milkshakes! i'd love to be able to visit there one day! I'd love it if you'd comment back http://www.amyelizabethfashion.com/blogposts/2016/5/24/may-healthy-body-kit xx

  3. This place looks absolutely amazing, I didn't even watch Friends (and now I'm thinking I'm missing out) and I'd still love to go! The Oreo Milkshake looks perfect and so does the rainbow cake! xx


  4. Even though I haven't seen friends I absolutely love this cafe! It looks so cosy & I'd definitely go there :) Plus that rainbow cake looks amazing x

    Sara / AboutLittleThiings

  5. Oh my word that sounds incredible - I NEED to go there! That rainbow cake looks utterly divine as well

    Steph - www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Ay no, ¡¡me muero con esto!! que ganas de ir a España y poder visitarlo personalmente. Desde que lo vi en tu snap que dije "ojala lo haga para un post" jaja. Y saliste super linda en la selfie!


  8. OMG THIS LOOKS AMAZING! And those milkshakes and the cake. I must visit this cafe someday. I am adding it to my bucket list, haha! x

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

  9. This looks wonderful! Food looks great :)
    Katy Alicia x

  10. I am a HUGE friends fan! I know pretty much every episode backwards! I probably work my way though the box set at least once a year haha! This place looks amazing, I don't think I'd be able to give up my spot on the couch though! I used to always think Joey and Pheobe would become a thing but I'm glad they didn't, though I still wish Joey had found someone in the end like everyone else did!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

  11. Omg, you're so lucky! I love Friends, and I've been trying to get my partner to watch the entire series with me. It looks so amazing though I wish they still had the original sofa from the series. I'll have to visit one day, anyways! Oh, this reminded me, there was a rap battle between David Schwimmer, James Corden and Rebel Wilson. I couldn't resist laughing at the Friends references: Drop The Mic

    Stephii Mattea xx

  12. I've briefly watched Friends before but I really need to watch more because I know it's on Nerflix now. :) The cafe looks so cosy and cute, it's so cool to see the show coming to life!


  13. What a pretty place!

    Aqy | skinnydecxflatte.blogspot.com

  14. That is sooooo cool!!!! Everything is just cute and the attention to detail. I love that they play episodes of the show, it's perfect for fans. The food sold looks great also.

    xo, XOIIEE | Life in Style

  15. This is so cool!! Who knew this existed?? So glad you got to go to experience!

  16. What an awesome place! I'm a huge Friends fan so I'd be taking a lot of pictures too!

  17. This is amazing! If I ever visit Toledo - which I now really want to :D - visiting Central Perks will definitely be on my to do list. The milkshakes look super delicious :)x

    Anu♡ | Based On | bloglovin

  18. YESSSSSSS! This is the coolest thing ever! The shakes and cake look amazing too! I wish I could go there every day!


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