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27 March 2016

What's in my bag college bag

Hopefully, this will be my last year at Univesity and this is a post I've been planning to do practically since I started blogging. With the year coming to an end, and my graduation beggining to look like something that might actually happen some day, I decided it was about time I showed you what's inside my college bag.

My bag is the Citybag with zips bag from Zara, in black. I wasn't sure about buying it at first because it was a bit pricey, but... I must say it was worth every cent! I'm absolutely in love with it. And my bags never make it for a whole year... until this one. I've had it for three years and a little metal piece did break in a bike accident but overall I think it's still great and I love it and I don't think I'll stop using it any time soon.

It's super big and has a lot of pockets so I can carry a ton of things in it, which is a must when you spend 12 hours a day outside. The main reason why I bought it is because it was big enough to hold my folder and I'm so glad I did!

But... What's inside? 

I don't carry the same things every single day because I may need different things depending on how long I'm gonna be there that day, or what I'm during both there and afterwards, but these are the things I try to take every day:

· iPhoneI can't live without my iPhone. I would never ever leave my phone without it.

· Extra battery and charging cordAs I said, I spend A LOT of hours there and there's no way my phone battery can make it through all those hours so I always take a charging cord and charge it when I'm in a room with computers, and an extra battery in case I can't use any computer.

· HeadphonesIt takes me an hour (on public transport) to get to my university, and another hour to come back. I'd die without music...

· WalletThis is obviously a must. I don't like leaving my house without money. 

· KleenexJust in case 

· Pencil caseYou should obviously take a pencil case to class, to take notes, or work on assignments, doodle during boring lectures...

· AgendaI like to use an agenda to write down the due date of assignment, tests, to write down when I'm meeting someone or what I'm meant to do each day. I'm a bit of a control freak.

· Post-it'sI love post-it's. For key notes, for special events on my agenda or to use as bookmarks.

· Hand-sanitizerTo be honest, I hate hand dryers because they're sooooo sloooooow, so I'd rather just use hand-sanitizer. Also, because I have to eat there a lot of days, I like using it before and/or after eating.

· Lip balmMy lips are super dry so I need lip balm 24/7. Right now my lips are terrible so the only product I'm using is Elizabeth Arden's Eight Hour Cream.

· USB DriveA total must when you're studying an engineering. I have to save my assignments somewhere.

· ParacetamolMy head sometimes starts hurting a lot (oh the life of the student!) so... I'd better have one of these by hand when it happens. 

· WaterI always try to take something to drink because I get thirsty during the day. It's usually water or ice-tea.

· iPad or MacBookMost of my teachers upload notes on the internet so I always save them on my iPad as I would go broke if I printed everything. Also, since I study computer science engineering I need my computer to work on mostly every assignment so I need to take it with me a lot of days.

· FolderI forgot to include this in the photo too, but I obviously need my folder. I like to use one single folder where I keep my notes from all my courses.

Question of the Day

Do you study, or do you work? What's in your bag?

Con un poco de suerte, este será mi Ăşltimo año en la universidad y este post llevo queriendo escribirlo casi desde que empecĂ© el blog. Ahora que el año se está acabando, y que mi graduaciĂłn empieza a parecer algo que podrĂ­a llegar a pasar alg´un dĂ­a, creo que ha llegado el momento de comprartir quĂ© llevo en mi bolso de la universidad.

Mi bolso es el Citybag with zips de Zara, en negro. Al principio no estaba segura de si comprarlo porque es un poco caro pero tengo que admitir que se merece hasta el Ăşltimo cĂ©ntimo. ¡Estoy enamorada de Ă©l! Los bolsos nunca me duraban ni un año... hasta que tuve este. Hace tres años que lo tengo y aun aguanta. Una piececita de metal se rompiĂł en un accidente de bici, pero en general se mantiene en muy bien estado y no tengo intenciĂłn de dejar de usarlo.

Es super grande y tiene un montĂłn de bolsillos asĂ­ que puedo llevar muchas cosas, que es genial cuando pasas 12 horas al dĂ­a fuera. La principal razĂłn por la qeu lo comprĂ© es porque era lo suficientemente grande para que cupiera mi carpeta. ¡Y me alegro de haberlo hecho!

Pero... ¿QuĂ© hay dentro? 

No todos los días llevo lo mismo ya que necesito distintas cosas dependiendo de cuántas horas vaya a pasar en la universidad, o que voy a hacer alli y/o después... Pero estas son las cosas que intento llevar todos los días:

· iPhoneNo puedo vivir sin mi iPhone. Nunca saldrĂ­a sin Ă©l.

· BaterĂ­a externa y cableComo he dicho, paso MUCHAS horas allĂ­ y la baterĂ­a de mi iPhone no podrĂ­a aguantar. ASĂ­ que siempre llevo un cable para cargarlo cuando estoy en un aula con ordenadores, y una baterĂ­a externa para cuando no tengo ningĂşn ordenador accesible.

· Auriculares. Tardo una hora (en transporte pĂşblico) en ir a la universidad, y otra en volver. Me morirĂ­a sin mĂşsica...

· CarteraEsto es evidentemente algo obligado. No podrĂ­a salir de casa sin llevar dinero encima... 

· KleenexPor si acaso 

· Estuche. Por supuesto, necesitas el estuche para tomar apuntes, hacer trabajos, o garabatear en las clases demasiado aburridas.

· Agenda. Me gusta unas una agenda para apuntar cuándo tengo que entregar trabajos, cuándo hay exámenes, cuándo he quedado... ¡todo! Me gusta tener las cosas bajo control.

· Post-it'sMe encantan los post-it's. Para apuntar cosas clave, o eventos especiales en mi agenda, o incluso para usarlos como marcapáginas.

· Desinfectante. Para ser sincera, odio los secadores de manos porque son taaaaan leeeentooooos. Prefiero usar desinfectante de manos. Además, muchos dĂ­as tengo que quedarme a comer allĂ­ y asĂ­ lo puedo usar antes/despuĂ©s de comer.

· VaselinaTengo los labios super secos y necesito vaselina todo el tiempo. Ahora mismo están fatal y el Ăşnico producto que uso es Eight Hour Cream de Elizabeth Arden.

· Pendrive. Obligado cuandoestudias una ingenierĂ­a. En algĂşn lado tengo que guardar todos mis trabajos. 

· ParacetamolA veces la cabeza me duele un montĂłn (la vida del estudiante) asĂ­ que más vale tener uno de estos a mano para cuando esto ocurre. 

· Agua. Siempre intento llevar algo de beber porque me entra sed durante el dĂ­a. Normalmente llevo agua o tĂ© frĂ­o.

· iPad o MacBook. La mayorĂ­a de mis profesores suben los apuntes de la asignatura a internet asĂ­ que siempre los guardo en el iPad porque si tuviese qeu imprimir todo me arruinarĂ­a. Además, al estudiar informática, necesito el ordenador para casi todas las asignaturas, asĂ­ que muchos dĂ­as necesito llevarlo conmigo.

· Carpeta. No sale en la foto pero tambiĂ©n llevo mi carpeta. Me gusta usar una sola para todos los apuntes de todas las asignaturas.

Pregunta del dĂ­a

¿Estudias o trabajas? ¿QuĂ© llevas en el bolso?

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  1. Love these type of posts! And that bag is perfect for uni. :)
    Is that a marble cover for your macbook? Where did you get it from?

    Hannah xx
    www.hannahemilylane.com | Most recent post: My blogging process

    1. Yes! That is indeed a marble cover for my MacBook. I actually got it for Christmas but you can find a lot of them at Etsy

  2. Estos son uno de mis posts favoritos de leer, super divertidos! Ame tu cartera y ver todo lo que llevas jajaj. Yo tambien tengo una carpeta para todas las materias, es muuuucho mas comodo :)


    1. haha ¿sĂ­? ¿verdad que una carpeta para todo es lo mejor? AsĂ­ no tienes que pensar en quĂ© asignaturas tienes cada dĂ­a...

  3. I absolutely love this post ... Probably because I am nosy hehe!! These are definitely my faves to read! I love post it notes too .. There is just something so special about having a little collection of them!!! Great post girly !!


    1. oh thank you! I think I have a tiny addiction problem to post-its hehe

  4. Yes, a fellow post-its lover! I have them all over my notes and just love the eye rolls when people see them littering my books. I cannot live without my laptop, earphones and charger cable. I have to stay entertained somehow during my lunch break!

    Rachael at broomfie.blogspot.com

    1. Those post-it notes are addictive, seriously! Lucky for me, I only have classes in the morning so I can go home at lunch time

  5. I love this post! Your uni bag is a lot more organised than mine!! I have a love for post it's too and never leave without paracetamol because I always have headaches ! Xx

    1. I'm sure your bag is actually really organized!

  6. Lip balm, my planner, and post-its - I am totally with you on these, and I almost never go anywhere without them!

    -Clarissa @ www.theviewfromhere.is

  7. What a lovely post! I really like the case of your laptop!


    1. Oh thanks! I fell in love with it the moment I saw it!

  8. I love this! Earlier I was saying this will probably be my next type of post. I've had my backpack since freshman year, so it's survived three years! I tote pretty much everything that you do, except I have an android & a pc. Lol ~Desire

    Desire Chanteuse

    1. Oh if you do a What's in my bag post I really want to see it! Well done to your backpack! I don't know why mine always have such a short lifespan...

  9. Your laptop looks gorgeous!

    I always love what's-in-my-bag posts, great job with this. I think I have too much stuff in my college bag because I always pack my stuff thinking "what if". My friends tell me that I need to take away some stuff but I don't think I can!

    1. Thank you! I do have a lot of "what if" things in my bag too! I'm sure your friends also go to you when they need something, right?

  10. Great post! I love your bag! I find these kinds of posts so interesting because I am so nosy haha X
    Thrifty vintage fashion

  11. I carry almost exactly the same things with me in my bag too! Although I do carry more books and no tabloid or pc :) I love how your bag looks and I think that Zara does a very good quality ones, so no surprise that it lasted so long! x

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

    1. Oh my goal is to graduate not having used any books hehe I only have this bag from Zara but I love it! I wonder why I don't buy all my bags there now...

  12. Love this post and I always carry lip balm everywhere because my lips also dry and chapped! Anyway, good as always xx


  13. Nixe post! A portable charger is an absolute must in my bags at all times!
    Paula | www.namelessgap.blogspot.com

  14. Great essentials!
    Jabeen x

  15. I'm working not going to uni, but my bag is always so full of stuff! Basically a mess! I'm looking for the perfect tote bag, that fits everything I need in it! I'm a huge 'throw in everything' kind of person, you seems to be so organized! Lovely post! x

    federica | www.theprettypeony.com

  16. I work and the main things I tend to have in my bag are: my work pass (otherwise I might not get in), my purse, phone (I'm a Samsung Galaxy girl), perfume and passport (I always carry that about as it's my ID). Oh and a mirror to make sure I look half-presentable. Anything else depends on the size of the bag I'm using. :-)


  17. Thanks for leaving your link after the chat last night! Love your blog and the layout it's so pretty! It sounds like you're pretty relieved to be coming to the end of university. I have one year left and I'm gonna be super sad when I leave :( great post! My go to uni bag is a satchel that looks better the more worn it looks, so double win!

    the traffic jam of life

  18. I love these types of posts. It's making me think I need to do one soon. I'm impressed that you've had the same bag for a year, I get bored so easily!

  19. Oh I love this post! I did one too only on what is in my backpack. I used to carry a bag back in high school but I never thought to carry one again in college. Now that the weather is nicer maybe I will. I love the items that you carry, very similar to what I have. I also have an emergency kit filled with everything I may need for that time of the month and other hygienic needs.

    Love this post!

  20. we have almost the same things in our college bags. I bring my ipad too. The teachers send us powerpoint or we get it from his/her google drive. Is that your laptop? I love the case!



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