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10 April 2016

Carrot Cake Recipe

You may remember me constantly tweeting asking everyone for a carrot cake recipe. Unfortunately, the only response I got was "vegetables shouldn't go in cakes" (I hope you don't see me as a monster now, Sarah. I promise it doesn't taste like vegetables at all) so I had to ask my grandmother for our family recipe. That's right: our family recipe is now on the internet. There goes my heritage!

To make this you will need:
  • 1kg carrots
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 package of shredded coconut  (100-125g aprox)
  • Muffins, or little sponge cakes...

The first step is to get the carrots ready. So wash them, obviously, and cut the ugly part at the top. And throw it away. We don't need ugly carrot parts in our cake.

Then chop the carrots.

And place all the carrots in a pressure cooker.

Cover the carrots with water, turn the heat on, cover the cooker and wait for the water to start boiling.

Once the water is boiling, you're going to remove the cooker from the heat and leave the cooker closed for 20 minutes so the carrots will cook.

Now, remove the carrots from the water, shred them, and mix them with the coconut and the sugar.

Cut the muffins in halves and place them in the pan where you will be doing your cake.

You're going to alternate one layer of muffin halves, and one layer of carrot mix, until you run out of carrot.

For me, it was 3 layers of each. But we originally intended to do three layers of muffins, and only two layers of carrot.

In order for all the layers to mix and become a single cake, cover with parchment paper and place something heavy on top.

We filled the cooker with water and used that.

Leave it for a few hours. (We left it like 2 or 3 and it turned out alright)

Lastly, you can sprinkle some more coconut on top to decorate it.

I'm a terrible, terrible blogger, but I served this cake to my family before I actually had a chance to photograph it. Not only that, I ate my piece and then realized I had not taken a single picture of what the cake looked like. I'm going to have my blogger card removed 

So I served myself another piece and another cup of coffee - who can get enough cake or coffee anyway? - so I could at least show you one picture.

Question of the Day

How do you feel about carrot cake?

print recipe

Carrot Cake
This is my family's carrot cake recipe. And let me tell you, it's one of the best cakes you will ever try.
  • 1kg Carrot
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 100-125g Coconut
  • Muffins/small cakes
Wash the carrots, cut the ugly top part away, and chop them.Place all the carrots in a pressure cooker, cover with water, turn the heat on, cover the cooker and wait for the water to start boiling. Remove the cooker from the heat and leave the cooker closed for 20 minutes. Remove the carrots from the water, shred them, and mix them with the coconut and the sugar. Cut the muffins in halves and place them in the pan where you will be doing your cake forming an uniform layer of muffin halves. Alternate one layer of muffin halves, and one layer of carrot mix, until you run out of carrot. In order for all the layers to mix and become a single cake, cover the cake with parchment paper and place something heavy on top. Leave it for a few hours. Optional: sprinkle with shredded coconut.
Prep time: Cook time: Total time: Yield: One cake

A lo mejor me visteis hace poquito preguntando desesperadamente por una recepta de tarta de zanahoria en twitter. Por desgracia, la Ăşnica respuesta que obtuve fue que "las verduras no deberĂ­an ir en las tartas". AsĂ­ que tuve que pedirle a mi abuela la receta de tarta de zanahoria de mi familia. SĂ­: la receta de mi familia ahora está en internet. ¡AhĂ­ va toda mi herencia!

Para hacerla necesitaréis:

  • 1kg zanahorias
  • 1 vaso de azĂşcar
  • 1 bolsita de coco rallado (de 100-125g aprox)
  • Magdalenas, o bizcochitos, o lo que encuentres por el estilo.

Lo primero que vamos a hacer es preparar las zanahorias. AsĂ­ que lavadlas, por supuesto, y corta y tira la parte feucha de arriba. No queremos partes feas de zanahoria en nuestra tarta.

Luego corta las zanahorias en rodajas.

Pon toda la zanahoria en una olla express.

Cubre las zanahorias con agua, tapa la olla, enciende el fuego (o la vitrocerámica), y espera a que el agua empiece a hervir.

Cuando el agua empiece a hervir, aparta la olla del fuego y dĂ©jala cerrada 20 minutos.

Saca la zanahoria del fuego, rállalas y mézcalas con el azúcar y el coco.

Parte las magdalenas por la mitad y colĂłcalas en el molde donde vayas a montar la tarta.

Ahora vamos a ir alternando una capa de mitades de magdalenas, y una capa de zanahoria. Y asĂ­ hasta que te quedes sin masa de zanahoria.

Yo hice tres capas de cada. Pero en un principio, nuestra intenciĂłn era hacer tres capas de magdalenas y solo dos de zanahoria.

Para que todo se mezcle bien y el bizcocho se empape de zanahoria, coloca un trozo de papel antiaherente y algo muy pesado encima.

Lo que yo hice fue llenar la olla de antes de agua y colocar eso encima.

Déjalo un par de horas. (Yo lo dejé 2 ó 3 nada más y quedo bien)

Por Ăşltimo, puedes echar un poco más de coco por encima como decoraciĂłn.

Soy una blogger completamente horrible y le servĂ­ la tarta a mi familia antes de sacarle ninguna foto. No solo eso, me comĂ­ mi trozo de tarta tambiĂ©n sin haberle echo fotos antes. Seguro que ahora me quitan el carnet de blogger 

AsĂ­ que tuve que servirme otro trozo de tarta, y otro cafĂ© - ¿quiĂ©n tiene suficiente tarta o cafĂ© de todas formas? - para tener por lo menos alguna foto que enseñaros.

Pregunta del dĂ­a

¿QuĂ© piensas tĂş de la tarta de zanahoria?

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  1. I personally really like carrot cake! :) looks & sounds super delicious, thank you for sharing the recipe x

    Sara / AboutLittleThiings

    1. Oh no problem! It's nice to find other carrot cake lovers!

  2. This is perfect, it's exactly what I've been looking for! I've been wanting to bake either a banana cake or carrot cake .. my only worry is that carrot cake usually comes out dry. I don't even like carrot cake but I feel that it tastes different when you make it yourself and put love into it.

    I also love that you added coconut to it, that must make for an interesting taste :)

    Ree xx // Coffee with Ree

    1. Well, mine didn't come out dry, but what you can do is save the water from cooking the carrots, and if you feel like the carrot-coconut-sugar mix is too dry, you can add some of that water to make it more moist.

      You can't really taste the coconut to be honest. But I don't think you can taste the carrot either, so maybe I'm just not good at distinguishing flavors.

      It tastes good!

  3. Oh Carrot Cakes are my absolute favourites! This one looks insanely delicious. Really gotta save your recipe and try it out later this week :)

    Love, Kerstin

  4. Carrot cake is my favourite cake just after red velvet! This looks so yummy, I'll have to give it a try! x

    Ariadna || RAWR BOWS

  5. This is such a great recipe, definitely want to try it out myself, it looks so yummy!

    Carolyn x
    Carolyn’s Simple Life

  6. I haven't try carrot cake yet. Sounds delicious. I'm gonna try your family recipe. Carrot is ok for dogs too, so that's good I don't have to leave behind my little doggy.:) Thanks for sharing. I love your pictures. #TheGirlGang


  7. This cake looks amazing, I love eating carrot cake but I've never tried to make it myself. And I actually think veggies go well with cake. Well, maybe not all veggies, no one wants a broccoli cake. I'm really bad with taking pictures of food too, I am always to excited to eat it and completely forget to take pictures. xx


  8. I love carrot cake, but I've never ever known one made like this! I've always grated raw carrot and added to a spiced (cinnamon and nutmeg) cake mix, it's so yum! x

    NINEGRANDSTUDENT: A Student Lifestyle Blog

  9. No soy muy fan de la carrot cake pero tengo que admitir que tus fotos me dieron hambre! Tendre que intentarla :) jajaj


  10. Have to admit that I'm not a big fan of carrot cakes. Well at least the ones I have tasted which aren't much, haha. But your surely looks delicious! I might have to try it if you claim for it to be this amazing :)

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

  11. This is so different to what I've seen before in terms of carrot cake recipes! Very cool and looks super easy :)



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